#Guestpost | Yoga Stretches to ease neck, shoulder and back pain by Daminiyogini

As part of our #LSgetsfit campaign, we're working with 3 wellness and fitness instructors to help you kick start your own fitness journey.

Today we have Damini from @daminiyogini to share with us 10 yoga poses that’s targeted to relieve your neck, back and shoulder pain! Not only for the desk bound warrior, this is for anyone who’d been hunching over their phones and screens, cooking and reading. In other words, this short workout under 10 mins is for all of us!  

We also managed to catch up with her and got some tips for you.

yoga towel mats

If you only have 10 mins a day for a work out, what should you do?

Depends on the day. If I am looking to release tightness in my hips after long hours of being seated at my work desk, I do a specific yoga sequence. If I am looking to get aerobic exercise, I go for a run.

If one wants to start her fitness journey, what type of work out do you recommend and how often ?

Start small, stay consistent and gradually keep increasing your capacity. If you can do lunges, do 10 every day for a week and then your body will naturally allow you to do more when you’re ready. Same goes for yoga. Start with an elementary 60-min class, in due time you’ll be able to level up to 2 hour sessions! 

If one is feelings anxious, what's a quick way to calm down?

Directing the anxious mind away from thoughts and towards senses is a sure shot and effective way to calm yourself. Employ the 5 senses healing trick. What does this mean? Redirect your awareness to your senses and what’s around — with sight (look at some plants or photos of animals), with taste (drink a cup of chamomile tea), with touch (give yourself a hug), with smell (use calming essential oils like lavender) and with sound (listen to ambient music)

Thank you Daminiyogini for your time and sharing the above useful tips. You can also follow her Instagram for more updates. 

Stay connected with Damini & join the journey to a wholesome YOU at www.daminiyogini.com. She's also offering up an 8% discount on all private 1:1 virtual sessions (60 and 120min) plus a free meditation e-guide for the upcoming Full Moon. Email her to know more and quote 'LSgetsfit' and make sure you're also subscribed for her website updates! 

Wanna look good while you feel good during your workouts? Check out our new activewear range!

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